CH Jovi's I Will Always Love You

I Believe In Love "Alfie"
X Ch Cambridge Gerry Lee's "Sizzle")
Whitney is the daughter of our beloved “Sizzle”  Ch Cambridge Gerry Lee’s Sizzle and INT/MEX/AM/WORLD-07 BISS - 07, 09 CH I Believe In Love "Alfie" ( remembered and loved by Pamela Levy).  Whitney is the most curious, playful, take on the goldens,but sweet aussie that you can imagine.
She plays with all the big golden toys, but caresses and kisses them and they her. She is a daddy’s girl. She finished her Championship with a bang 2 majors in one weekend shown by me which I still marvel at. But with Pamela‘s encouragement we managed to just do it! Then we took a BOB in Flagstaff all in 2012. Now she spends her day playing, cuddling and being our charmer.
Fine Australian Terriers - Desert Hills, AZ  -     (623) 465-7245   

- Jovi's Australian Terriers
Jovi's Australian Terriers                   (623) 465-7245
          Australian Terriers - Arizona